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Filters applied: Conference Proceedings
The components of a successful S-STEM program: What works at Appalachian State University.

Tashakkori R, Norris C, Searcy ME.
UIID-AD: 4878
2018;362-367. doi: 10.1145/3159450.3159600.

In 1999, the National Science Foundation created the "Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Scholarships" (CSEMS) program to provide funding for institutions to supply scholarships for academically talented and financially needy students to complete an associate, baccalaureate, or graduate degree...

Benefits of one-on one resume advising for undergraduate engineering students participating in a summer research program.

Hill C, Luchini-Colbry K.
UIID-AD: 4819

Whether they choose to pursue graduate school or employment, many rising college seniors are faced with completing applications for post-graduation experiences. A resume is an essential component of these applications, and in an effort to support students in creating...

High school to STEM - Dean's Early Research Initiative.

Filippas AV, Parker LM.
UIID-AD: 4803

Four years ago, Virginia Commonwealth University's School of Engineering initiated a collaborative program called the "Dean's Early Research Initiative" (DERI) [1] with area high schools that introduced students to the exciting world of research and development. These students were...

Promoting STEM education in community college students via research.

Crawford CA, Nichol CA, Obenland C, Chow A, Avendano C.
UIID-AD: 4848

The REU (research experience for undergraduates) can be a formative and beneficial experience for students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) majors. These programs most often select the top undergraduate students to perform research at prestigious universities. The...

Research experience for undergraduates: Integrated optics for undergraduate Native Americans (IOU-NA).

Huff-Lohmeier AJ, Hennig AJ, Lamoreaux D.
UIID-AD: 4824

The National Science Foundation (NSF) funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program, entitled Integrated Optics for Undergraduate Native Americans (IOU-NA) (#EEC-1359163), is a multidisciplinary REU in the Center for Integrated Access Networks (CIAN), an NSF funded Engineering Research Center...

The role of mentorship in a remote sensing research program for undergraduate minority students.

Liou-Mark J, Yuen-Lau L, Blake R, Norouzi H, Prakash S.
UIID-AD: 4771
2017;6205-6208. doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2017.8128426.

The many applications of remote sensing techniques to unearth understanding of the environment has not only increased by leaps and bounds over the past two or so decades, but they have also now become indispensable to routine and comprehensive...

Applying the communal goal congruity perspective to enhance diversity and inclusion in undergraduate computing degrees.

Brinkman B, Diekman A.
UIID-AD: 4124
2016;102-107. doi: 10.1145/2839509.2844562.

The lack of diversity in the tech industry is a widely remarked phenomenon. The majority of workers in tech roles are either white or Asian men, with all other groups being under-represented. Some authors point to cultural factors influencing...

Assessing impact of engineering projects in community service on engineering freshmen enrolled in pre-calculus.

Lagoudas MZ, Shryock KJ.
UIID-AD: 4225

This work-in-progress describes a novel approach to support freshman engineering students entering college with low math competencies in pre-calculus. Institutions across the nation are making significant efforts to develop K-12 programs and summer camps to recruit more ethnic minorities...

Building a more diverse biomedical engineering workforce: Biomedical engineering at the university of the district of Columbia, a historically black college & university.

Thompson LA, Adebayo AS, Zhang N, Haghani S, Dowell K, Shetty D.
UIID-AD: 4309
2016;4325-4328. doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2016.7591684.

Biomedical Engineering (BME) is a new, multidisciplinary, and rapidly growing field, however, the BME Workforce suffers from limited ethnic and gender diversity. Despite the demand and growth of this new field due to its public health importance, only 4...

CS10K teachers by 2017? Try CS1K+ students NOW! Coping with the largest CS1 courses in history.

Garcia DD, Campbell J, DeNero J, Dorf ML, Reges S.
UIID-AD: 4182
2016;396-397. doi: 10.1145/2839509.2844660.

"Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it."- Proverb In 2005, computing education was experiencing a crisis. Enrollments had "fallen to such an extent that some academic computing programs were facing significant reductions in staffing levels...

Evaluation of miniGEMS 2015 - Engineering summer camp for middle school girls.

Frye MT, Nair SC, Meyer A.
UIID-AD: 4180

MiniGEMS (Girls in Engineering, Mathematics, and Science) was a free five-day Engineering Summer camp organized and run by the Autonomous Vehicle Systems (AVS) Research Laboratory at the University of the Incarnate Word for middle school girls during the week...

First round evaluation of first tech challenge (FTC) robotics club: Does it really prepare students for beyond college?.

Ozis F, Newley AD, Kaya E.
UIID-AD: 4256

It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the shift in careers requiring 21st century skills. Schools around the country are striving to prepare students for the competitive and demanding job market after college. As a way to assist students...

Showing 1 to 12 of 113 entries