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Filters applied: Comparative Study
ADN vs. BSN.

Nursing outlook

Bonny MC.
PMID: 2717422
Nurs Outlook. 1989 May-Jun;37(3):112.

No abstract available.

Changes in the R waves and Q waves as a function of occurrence and/or timing of ST-segment elevations in patients with acute anterior myocardial infarctions. Studies with precordial multilead maps and standard ECGs.

Journal of electrocardiology

Madias JE.
PMID: 2090746
J Electrocardiol. 1990;23:205. doi: 10.1016/0022-0736(90)90105-b.

No abstract available.

Cross-cultural validation of the Doctor-Patient Scale.

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges

Markert RJ.
PMID: 2803437
Acad Med. 1989 Nov;64(11):690. doi: 10.1097/00001888-198911000-00021.

No abstract available.

Family income of medical school applicants and acceptees and of college students.

Journal of medical education

Boerner RJ.
PMID: 915931
J Med Educ. 1977 Nov;52(11):948-9. doi: 10.1097/00001888-197711000-00019.

No abstract available.

Characteristics of home environment of families with mentally retarded children: comparison across levels of retardation.

American journal of mental deficiency

Blacher J, Nihira K, Meyers CE.
PMID: 3812601
Am J Ment Defic. 1987 Jan;91(4):313-20.

To help fill the relative void of information about families of severely mentally retarded school children, we described 53 such families comparatively with 54 families of EMR and 50 of TMR children. All children resided in their natural homes;...

Prevalence of childhood disability in a southern Indian city: independent effect of small differences in social status.

International journal of epidemiology

Natale JE, Joseph JG, Bergen R, Thulasiraj RD, Rahmathullah L.
PMID: 1428494
Int J Epidemiol. 1992 Apr;21(2):367-72. doi: 10.1093/ije/21.2.367.

A random sample of mothers living in two neighbourhoods of a southern Indian city were interviewed in order to determine the prevalence of serious disability in children 2-9 years old. These areas were selected because residents constitute either the...

Evaluating agreement between two methods for measuring the same quantity: a response.

Computers in biology and medicine

Lee J.
PMID: 1424582
Comput Biol Med. 1992 Sep;22(5):369-71. doi: 10.1016/0010-4825(92)90025-i.

A method comparison study is typically concerned with evaluating the agreement between a "new" method against an "established" method for measuring the same quantity. Various statistical indices have been advocated for measuring the extent to which two methods give...

Comparing health care options using the cost-benefit utility ratio.


Steinbach JH, Hardison WG.
PMID: 3080613
JAMA. 1986 Feb 14;255(6):747.

No abstract available.

Letter: Geriatrics is medicine.

Lancet (London, England)

Hyams DE.
PMID: 4134705
Lancet. 1974 Jun 15;1(7868):1234. doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(74)91053-8.

No abstract available.

[Proceedings: Comparison of Frank computer ECG programs in their use with preventive care patients].

Zeitschrift fur Kardiologie

Herrman G, Hofmann H, Perz S, Pöppl SJ, So CS.
PMID: 1106014
Z Kardiol. 1975;110.

No abstract available.

An evaluation of the A4 folder system in general practice.

The Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners

Elliott A, Valdez N, Dempsey C, Cooper P.
PMID: 480299
J R Coll Gen Pract. 1979 Feb;29(199):85-9.
Free PMC Article

All 63 general practices known to have introduced the A4 folder system were asked to complete questionnaires comparing A4 records with the traditional medical records envelope system. Of the 77 per cent who replied, an overwhelming majority favoured the...

RNs' perceptions of their baccalaureate programs: meeting their adult learning needs.

The Journal of nursing education

Beeman P.
PMID: 2852227
J Nurs Educ. 1988 Oct;27(8):364-70.

The American Nurses' Association's (ANA) 1985 resolutions have resulted in an influx of registered nurses into a variety of baccalaureate programs. The purpose of this study was to compare ways in which 12 baccalaureate programs in nursing were perceived...

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