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Claville M, Babu S, Parker B.
UIID-AD: 4670

The United States (US) is a global leader in science, engineering, technology, and mathematics (STEM). Nevertheless, its dominance has declined over the past decade while a number of countries have made significant strides to increase their STEM capacities. A...

Authenticating interdisciplinary learning through a geoscience undergraduate research experience.

Blake RA, Liou-Mark J.
UIID-AD: 4119
2016;105-125. doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-56745-1_6.

The geosciences may be the most interdisciplinary of all STEM disciplines. Earth system sciences and the complex sub-systems of the cryosphere, the atmosphere, the lithosphere, the biosphere, and the hydrosphere subsume all human activity and are critical to every...

Broadening Participation in Visualization Promising Practices from Collaborative Data Visualization Applications at the Undergraduate Level - Lightning Talk.

Byrd VL.
UIID-AD: 4668

The REU Site: Research Experience for Undergraduates in Collaborative Data Visualization Applications (VisREU) is a multi-year, interdisciplinary program that provides research experiences for undergraduates with an interest in visualization. The unique feature of the VisREU site is the paring...

Moving students of color from consumers to producers of technology.

Rankin Y, Thomas J.
UIID-AD: 4275
2016;1-301. doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2005-4.

In recent years, diversity in learning environments has become a pivotal topic of conversation for educators. By enhancing underrepresented students' computational thinking skills, it creates more room for future career opportunities. Moving Students of Color from Consumers to Producers...

User-Centered Design Strategies for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).

Mendoza-Gonzalez Ricardo.
UIID-AD: 4068

In today's society, educational opportunities have evolved beyond the traditional classroom setting. Most universities have implemented virtual learning environments in an effort to provide more opportunities for potential or current students seeking alternative and more affordable learning solutions. "User-Centered...

Engineering Self-Efficacy, Interactions with Faculty, and Other Forms of Capital for Underrepresented Engineering Students.

Ieee, Dika SL, Pando MA, Tempest BQ, Foxx KA, Allen ME.
UIID-AD: 3849

To address the chronic issues of underrepresentation in engineering education, a small but growing body of research has examined social and cultural explanations for engineering persistence among women, racial/ethnic minorities, first-generation college students, and other underrepresented groups. In this...

Insights from a First-Year Learning Community to Achieve Gender Balance.

Ieee, Oakes W, Hsu MC, Zoltowski C.
UIID-AD: 3906

Engineering remains challenged with regard to underrepresentation by gender and ethnicity. Lack of gender parity in engineering has been a problem since the very start of engineering but conversations about and efforts to address the lack of women in...


Dutt K.
UIID-AD: 3853

In recent years there has been a huge body of literature examining the underrepresentation of women in STEM fields. Causes cited range from stereotype threat and subconscious gender bias to social and environmental factors. Historically men have tended to...

Promoting interest in and entry into science, technology, engineering, and mathematics careers.

Shoffner MarieF, Dockery DonnaJ.
UIID-AD: 2164
2015;125-137. doi: 10.1037/14439-010.

In this chapter, we discuss interventions and successful programs for broadening participation in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) careers. The development of highly qualified STEM workers and a kindergarten–12th-grade (K–12) educational system that produces STEM-literate citizens are national...

Self-regulated Learning in Transfer Students: A Case Study of Non-traditional Students.

Ieee, Hooshangi S, Wallford J, Behrend T.
UIID-AD: 3872

Nationwide, only 17% of community college students go on to complete a bachelor's degree within six years of enrolling at a community college and even a fewer number in the STEM fields. Community college students are more likely to...

The advanced placement program and hispanic students: A critique of the literature.

Koch B, Slate JR, Moore GW.
UIID-AD: 3567

Despite the imposition of state and federal accountability standards, a persistent gap exists between White and non-White individuals in college readiness, college attendance, and completion. These gaps represent serious threats to the future economic growth of the United States....

cSELF (computer science education from life): Broadening participation through design agency.

Eglash R, Bennett A.
UIID-AD: 4456
2014;677-691. doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-7363-2.ch036.

The phrase "broadening participation" is often used to describe efforts to decrease the race and gender gap in science and engineering education, and in this paper the authors describe an educational program focused on addressing the lower achievement rates...

Showing 1 to 12 of 259 entries