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J Neurosci. 1998 Dec 01;18(23):10016-29.

Activation of CNS circuits producing a neurogenic cystitis: evidence for centrally induced peripheral inflammation.

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience

G Janni, L Jasmin, H J Manz, S D Rabkin


  1. Department of Neurosurgery, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC 20007, USA.

PMID: 9822756 PMCID: PMC6793287
Free PMC Article


We present a model of neurogenic cystitis induced by viral infection of specific neuronal circuits of the rat CNS. Retrograde infection by pseudorabies virus (PRV) of neuronal populations neighboring those that innervate the bladder consistently led to a localized immune response in the CNS and bladder inflammation. Infection of bladder circuits themselves or of circuits distant from these rarely produced cystitis. Absence of virus in bladder and urine ruled out an infectious cystitis. Total denervation of the bladder, selective C-fiber deafferentation, or bladder sympathectomy prevented cystitis without affecting the CNS disease, indicating a neurogenic component to the inflammation. The integrity of central bladder-related circuits is necessary for the appearance of bladder inflammation, because only CNS lesions affecting bladder circuits, i.e., bilateral dorsolateral or ventrolateral funiculectomy, as well as bilateral lesions of Barrington's nucleus/locus coeruleus area, prevented bladder inflammation. The close proximity in the CNS of noninfected visceral circuits to infected somatic neurons would thus permit a bystander effect, leading to activation of the sensory and autonomic circuits innervating the bladder and resulting in a neurogenic inflammation localized to the bladder. The present study indicates that CNS dysfunction can bring about a peripheral inflammation.

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