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Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 1982;23(2):167-72. doi: 10.1007/BF00545973.

Pharmacokinetics of ticarcillin in man.

European journal of clinical pharmacology

B E Davies, M J Humphrey, P F Langley, L Lees, B Legg, G A Wadds

PMID: 7140806 DOI: 10.1007/BF00545973


The excretion of radioactivity has been investigated in 3 healthy volunteers following rapid intravenous administration of 5 g of [35S]-ticarcillin. The radioactive dose was rapidly and completely excreted, since within 4 days 98.5% was recovered, 95% in the urine and 3.5% in faeces. All the urine radioactivity was accounted for as ticarcillin and its penicilloic acid. Plasma and urine samples collected from the volunteers at frequent intervals during the first 6 h of the experiment were assayed for penicillin by an automated chemical method and also for radioactivity. The results obtained by the chemical autoanalyser method were in excellent agreement with the plasma levels of radioactivity. From the data it was possible to calculate the renal clearance of the penicillin, a mean value of 104 ml/min was observed in the 3 volunteers. A further three volunteers were dosed intravenously with a 5 g bolus of non-radiolabelled ticarcillin in a cross-over study with and without predosing with probenecid. Serum samples were analysed by the chemical method for penicillin and the data subjected to pharmacokinetic analysis using a two compartment open model. The results indicate a shift of the distribution equilibrium of ticarcillin from the serum into the peripheral compartment after predosing with probenecid. Furthermore, the mean half-life of ticarcillin in the serum of the three volunteers was significantly increased from 1.3 h to 2.1 h by predosing with probenecid.


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