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Farmakol Toksikol. 1977 Jan-Feb;40(1):22-8.

[Effect of narcotics on impulse conduction in the afferent pathways of visceral nerves].

Farmakologiia i toksikologiia

[Article in Russian]
V V Churiukanov, L N Sinintsyn

PMID: 15858


In tests set up on cats immobilized with pyraxolone and anatruxonium the effect of non-inhalation narcotics on the evoked potentials of the cortex and subcortical structures with visceral and also somatic, acoustic and photo-stimulation was studied. With stimuli of different modality sodium ethaminal was found to inhibit evoked potentials of the cerebral hemispheres, diencephalon and midbrain cortex. Hexabarbital sodium suppressed biopotentials in specific, associative and non- specific brain structures in the event of visceral and somatic stimulation. Viadril enhanced the amplitude of potentials in all types of stimulation Urethan inhibited potentials in specific pathways of visceral and somatic nerves as well as in associative and non-specific brain structures following visceral, somatic and acoustic stimulation, with the amplitude of potentials to photostimulation then increasing.

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