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Endokrinologie. 1977 Oct;70(2):182-91.

Blood sugar and immunoreactive insulin in women with hypothalamic, maternal and simple obesity. Part I.


J M Komorowski

PMID: 590205


There were 46 women included in this experiment: 18 with simple obesity, 7 with maternal obesity, 8 with hypothalamic obesity and 13 of the control group (non-obese women). Changes of glycaemia and insulinaemia in blood serum during a test of oral glucose administration were ascertained. A plain handicap of glucose tolerance in simple obesity and maternal obesity groups was observed. In the case of the women with simple obesity an insulin increased secretion with one peak of the hormone release was found following the glucose administration. In the hypothalamic obesity group two peaks of insulin release were noted, and in the maternal obesity group a bigger maximal output of insulin was noted after the glucose administration together with two release peaks and a positive correlation between the total insulin area and anthropometric indices of excessive body weight.


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