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Int J Addict. 1979 May;14(4):569-77. doi: 10.3109/10826087909054603.

Pretreatment roles and therapeutic environment as correlates of in-treatment client "success": the case of the nonopiate user.

The International journal of the addictions

T J Keil, T V Rush, F B Dickman

PMID: 478703 DOI: 10.3109/10826087909054603


This study examined the effect of pretreatment role-involvements and therapeutic environment on the levels of in-treatment success for a sample of 704 nonopiate users. Within this sample, treatment type was found to be of little consequence in predicting success on selected measures of performance. The results of the analysis are interpreted as a function of theoretical difficulties in the paradigm that is used to organize the treatment effort.

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