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Arkh Anat Gistol Embriol. 1975 Nov;69(11):80-4.

[Secretion of the intercalated cells of the fibrillar epithelium of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus].

Arkhiv anatomii, gistologii i embriologii

[Article in Russian]
S Z Piskunov, V V Iaglov

PMID: 129047


Cytological and histochemical methods were used in order to establish that the intercalated cells of the ciliated epithelium of the rabbit's maxillary sinus mucosa performed gland function giving secretion formed in the shape of granules and represented by neutral mucopolysaccharides. Analysis of the morphology of intercalated cells, the amount of secretion in them, the shape and disposition of the Golgi apparatus and the nucleus allowed establishing 4 successive phases in their secretory cycle: the phase of synthesis, accumulation, aquosity and sectering. Under normal conditions of life the secretory activity of intercalated cells was asynchronous. In experiments with synchronization of the secretory activity by administration of pilocarpine it was established that the duration of the intercalated cells secretory cycle was 16-18 hours. Active participation of alkali phosphatase in the synthesis of secretion in the ciliated epithelium was noted.

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