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Arch Fisiol. 1973 Dec;70(3):133-48.

[Afferent proprioreceptive fibers in the rat and their distribution in the dorsal roots].

Archivio di fisiologia

[Article in Italian]
T Pantaleo, F Calamai

PMID: 4377910


The distribution in the dorsal roots of proprioceptive afferent fibres from tibialis anterior (TA) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles of the rat and the physiological characteristics of the related nervous endings have been investigated. Axons of proprioceptive endings from TA and EDL were found mainly in L4, only a few in L5. Afferent proprioceptive fibres from posterior superficial crural muscles (gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris) pass mainly through root L5; axons of extrafusal motor units are distributed in a similar way. Sensory endings in TA and EDL were examined, after identification, by means of their static threshold to passive stretch. Almost all steady-state responses to passive stretch, within the physiological extension range, came from muscle spindles. 1-2 to 20 g loads were necessary to obtain steady-state discharges from these receptors. Spindle endings were classified as primary or secondary by measuring the conduction velocity of the afferent fibres, and according to the features of their passive behaviour. Threshold difference cannot be regarded as a fundamental characteristic, because of the considerable overlapping of the values obtained from the two types of endings. Conduction velocities of 50 to 80 m/sec for primary and of 20 to 40 m/sec for secondary afferent fibres were observed. Afferent fibres conducting at intermediate velocity often behave like primary ones. As a rule, tendon organs showed a higher static threshold to passive stretch; the loads employed only rarely elicited a steady-state response. As for these receptors, which usually showed marked adaptation characteristics, passive force is a less effective stimulus than active contraction. The conduction velocity range of afferent fibres from tendon organs is the same as that of primary afferents. The results are discussed.

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