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J Clin Lab Immunol. 1985 Apr;16(4):223-6.

Changes in specific immunoglobulins after various forms of portal diversion in the rat.

Journal of clinical & laboratory immunology

R Hickman, G H Engelbrecht, O L Meyers, M Keraan, P Child, J Terblanche

PMID: 4020853


This study was designed to investigate further the hyperglobulinaemia which followed portal or splenic venous diversion but not mesenteric venous diversion. It was observed that levels of IgG and IgM were elevated from 3-6 weeks after portacaval shunt, portacaval transposition or splenacaval shunt. IgA levels were increased after all forms of portal venous diversions including after mesentericocaval shunt. The failure of levels of IgG and IgM to rise after mesocaval shunting suggests that some component of splenic venous blood may regulate the ability of the reticulo-endothelial system of the liver to respond to antigenic influences.


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