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Beitr Trop Landwirtsch Veterinarmed. 1985;23(1):65-71.

Changes in the blood and foetal fluid composition at different stages of gestation in ewes.

Beitrage zur tropischen Landwirtschaft und Veterinarmedizin

O Chiboka, K D Thomas

PMID: 4015609


In 15 West African Dwarf ewes blood and foetal fluid were collected and investigated on the 50th, 100th, and 150th day of gestation in order to determine normal values. The foetal fluid increased in volume and weight from day 50 to day 150. It was clear, colourless, and slightly viscous by day 50, but creamy, more viscous, and mucoid by days 100 and 150. The number of cellular blood components was dependent on the gestational age. The same was found for electrolytes, cholesterol, total proteins, albumins, and globulin in the blood and amniotic fluids.


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