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Health Serv Res. 1985 Aug;20(3):359-84.

Hospital DRGs and the need for long-term care services: an empirical analysis.

Health services research

M R Meiners, R M Coffey

PMID: 3926721 PMCID: PMC1068885
Free PMC Article


The Medicare DRG-based Prospective Payment System (PPS) encourages hospitals to reduce length of stay for elderly patients. Thus, discharges to long-term care services are expected to increase. Maryland hospital data for 1980 are used to identify those DRGs which most frequently represent patients discharged to nursing home and home health care services; explores the incentive to discharge earlier under PPS those patients needing long-term care versus short-term care; and describes characteristics of patients most likely to face increased pressure of earlier discharge to nursing homes and home health programs. Because only a limited set of patient characteristics are available from Maryland hospitals, data from a study of San Diego nursing homes are used to explore further the sociodemographic and health status measures associated with unusually long stays in a hospital prior to nursing home placement. This research suggests that the DRG reimbursement system gives hospitals a strong incentive for earlier discharge of patients needing long-term care services. However, hospitals that target only long-term care patients for early discharge will not substantially gain under PPS because these patients represent a small portion of the cases treated in the hospital and a small percentage of unreimbursed days.

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