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Burns Incl Therm Inj. 1987 Feb;13(1):69-74. doi: 10.1016/0305-4179(87)90261-0.

A study to assess the effects of a new Betadine cream formulation compared to a standard topical treatment regimen for burns.

Burns, including thermal injury

M de Kock, A E van der Merwe

PMID: 3828858 DOI: 10.1016/0305-4179(87)90261-0


This study has shown that Betadine cream with or without Aserbine is as easy to apply and remove as Betadine ointment plus Aserbine. With Betadine cream there is as good as and in some instances better healing than with Betadine ointment/Aserbine in the topical treatment of burns. However, the addition of a necrolytic cream to Betadine cream does have favourable effects on wound healing and bacterial counts. More importantly, this study suggests that Betadine cream can penetrate the wound more effectively than the Betadine ointment/Aserbine combination but that the addition of a necrolytic cream is still advantageous.


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