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Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P Pavlova. 1986 May-Jun;36(3):529-37.

[Cross-correlation analysis of the background activity of visual cortex cells separated by different distances in the alert rabbit].

Zhurnal vysshei nervnoi deiatelnosti imeni I P Pavlova

[Article in Russian]
M N Zhadin, B V Bakharev, L P Iakupova

PMID: 3751301


Values of correlation coefficients (CC) and forms of cross-correlation functions of impulse activity were studied in neurones recorded with one microelectrode or simultaneously with two sticked together microelectrodes with tangential distance between tips of 70 and 140 mcm. Three main types of cross-correlation functions were singled out differing by peaks form and modes positions. The greatest variety of forms and the greatest percentage of significantly correlated discharges of cellular pairs were found among the neurones recorded with one electrode. Mean CC of cells recorded with one electrode was significantly greater than mean CC of the neurones recorded with two microelectrodes. Comparison of the character of intercellular correlation with amplitudes of recorded spikes showed that discharges of neurones with greater amplitude mainly forestalled discharges of cells with low amplitude.

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