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Prim Care. 1986 Dec;13(4):713-25.

Office glucose analysis.

Primary care

R E Gwyther

PMID: 3642616


The advent of dry chemistry techniques has made inexpensive glucose testing equipment available to physicians and their patients. The ability to measure blood glucose concentration quickly, in almost any setting, has eliminated urinary glucose monitoring as the parameter of choice for managing diabetic patients. Blood glucose monitoring has allowed improved control of diabetic patients who avail themselves of one of the techniques. The physician choosing to offer blood glucose testing in the office laboratory has a variety of test equipment from which to choose. Most physicians will want to own and operate an inexpensive, dedicated glucose reflectometer to test glucose samples in the office and to use in patient education. Machines used by both patients and physicians are about the same price. They are easy to learn to use. Office personnel must be trained to perform the procedure, teach it to patients, maintain the machine, and keep adequate quality control records.


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