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Alabama Research Infrastructure Improvement Program.

[No authors listed]



The goal of the Alabama EPSCoR initiative is to create three multi-campus Centers of Excellence reflecting research programs in biological and environmental sciences, materials science and technology, and information science and technology. The Centers include: (1) the Alabama Structural Biology Consortium (ASBC) which will create a critical mass of scientists in structural biology from the University of Alabama, Huntsville (UAH), the University of South Alabama (USA), and the University of Alabama, Birmingham (UAB); (2) Integrated Micro-Electromechanical Systems (IMEMS) Center will combine the efforts at University of Alabama, Huntsville, the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Auburn University and Tuskegee University to develop the infrastructure required to integrate optical elements and nanostructures within Micro-Electromechanical (MEMS) devices. The IMEMS Center will offer continued growth of information technology and development of novel computer and telecommunications devices. (3) Large Scale Electromechanical Systems (LEMS), a consortium of composed of the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Auburn University, University of Tulsa, Shelton State Community College, and the Alabama School of Mathematics and Science along with six industrial and two federal partners. The LEMs Consortium will focus on system integration in conjunction with improving performance, reliability, and efficiency while decreasing costs and environmental hazards through use of electromechanical systems. Infrastructure support of the Centers will include numerous education and outreach activities that will broaden the reach and impact of the proposed project. In addition, An Internet2 initiative will further develop the state's information technology infrastructure. The initiative will provide the interconnective high speed networking infrastructure necessary for communication and collaboration of all the universities operating as cohesive Centers.

Other Details

  • Award Instrument: Continuing grant
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Organization: University of Alabama Tuscaloosa
  • Other Investigators: Christopher Lawson, H. McDowell
  • Primary Investigator: H. McDowell
  • Start Date: 02/01/2001