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Acquisition of a Multi-Collector ICP-MS for Marine and Terrestrial Geochemical Research.

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0549618 Rubin The goals of this project are the acquisition of a multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (MC-ICPMS) and subsequent methods development to enable cross-disciplinary geochemical research at the University of Hawaii (UH). Numerous analytical applications in Earth, Ocean and Planetary Science either require or are enhanced by such an instrument. For instance MC-ICPMS is well suited to isotopic analyses of elements that cannot be measured by solid-source thermal ionization mass spectrometers (TIMS) because of the high ionization efficiency of the plasma source. In addition, isotopic analyses conventionally done by TIMS can be performed more rapidly and, in many cases, with reduced sample sizes by MC-ICPMS. Initial plans for the UH MC-ICP-MS are to develop 5 types of analytical capabilities, each with multiple applications. These include isotopic analyses of actinide series nuclides to produce high resolution chronologies of volcanic and sedimentary processes, novel transition metal and metalloid fractionation studies of volcanic gasses and condensates to quantify local and global scale volcanic degassing events, mass balance constraints on oceanic crust-seawater exchange via Mg isotopic analysis, Hf, Nd and Pb isotopic analysis of igneous materials for petrologic studies, and in-situ microscopic-scale isotopic analysis of these and other analytes by laser-ablation MC-ICP-MS. The new instrument will become part of the SOEST (School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology) Isotope Laboratory, which currently houses two TIMS and a radiometric counting facility. The lab is recognized as a leader in U-series, Pb, Nd, and Sr isotope applications to volcanological, mantle geochemical, environmental and marine research topics. Establishing MC-ICP-MS capability will enhance and diversify research capabilities at UH (an EPSCOR and federally recognized minority educational institution) and promote educational opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students. The interdisciplinary character of SOEST and broad capabilities of MC-ICP-MS will allow new areas of research and cross-fertilization between existing research programs. In addition, MC-ICP-MS will become part of numerous investigations that are of local and Pacific-Basin-wide significance because they focus on environmental assets and issues unique to the Hawaiian island setting (volcanism, climate records, coral reefs, water quality). Such research enhances the standing of UH within the community and adds to its reputation for stewardship of and research on the environment.

Other Details

  • Award Instrument: Standard Grant
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Organization: University of Hawaii
  • Other Investigators: Douglas Pyle, Eric DeCarlo, Gregory Ravizza, John Mahoney
  • Primary Investigator: Kenneth Rubin
  • Start Date: 03/01/2006