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1996;4:457-477. doi: 10.1177/106907279600400408.

The Skills Confidence Inventory: A measure of self-efficacy.

Journal of Career Assessment

Jessica M Berreth, Jennifer C King, Dawn Schauer, Christopher C Ward

UIID-EM: 41 Bookshelf ID: 1997-38230-008 DOI: 10.1177/106907279600400408


The Skills Confidence Inventory (SCI; N. E. Betz et al, 1996) General Confidence Theme (GCT) scores differentiated appropriately between members of 21 occupational groups. The GCT scales represent confidence in ability to perform tasks and complete courses in 6 areas that correspond to the Holland themes (J. L. Holland, 1985). The occupational groups represented all 6 Holland types and encompassed both professional and nonprofessional fields. For over 80% of the occupational groups, the highest GCT was on a scale matching the Holland code for the occupation. Likewise, the groups that scored highest and lowest on each GCT were consistent with Holland's theory. To determine whether the SCI can be useful in career assessment, it is important to show that the GCTs provide information that is different from the information provided by the Strong Interest Inventory (SII; L. W. Harmon et al, 1994) General Occupational Themes, which also provide scores for the 6 Holland themes. Reports of career assessments with 4 college students in which both the SCI and SII were used are presented. They suggest that the SCI is useful in career assessment and counseling. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Keywords: development & use of Skills Confidence Inventory in operationalizing self-efficacy construct in vocational behavior theory & in career assessment & counseling

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