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Educational Testing Service


Selecting succesful graduae students: In-depth interviews with GRE users.

Walpole, M., Burton, N.W., Kanyi, K., Jackenthal, A.



This study analyzed interviews with over 100 graduate school staff and faculty in 26 disciplines and 20 institutions who use the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE). The interviews covered admissions and admissions-related topics, such as recruitment, retention, and measurement of student success in graduate school. Interviewees consider the GRE General Test to be a useful common standard for students with widely differing backgrounds. In contrast, GRE Subject Tests, although considered to be strong evidence of discipline-specific knowledge, are being used less in a competitive environment. Graduate programs want more information about the language skills - particularly writing and speaking skills - and personal qualities of applicants, and better information about international students.

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