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2016; doi: 10.1109/RESPECT.2016.7836166.

Diversity in K-12 CS education across the U.S.

H Hong, J Wang, S H Moghadam

UIID-AD: 4320 DOI: 10.1109/RESPECT.2016.7836166


This multi-year research study examines knowledge and perceptions of computer science (CS), disparities in access, and barriers to offering CS. In particular, the analysis identifies differences by demographic to gain insight into inequities in CS. The first year of the study surveyed 1,673 students, 1,685 parents, 1,013 teachers, 9,693 principals, and 1,865 superintendents. We found most respondents were unable to distinguish computer literacy activities from CS, with Black or Hispanic respondents even less likely to do so, and perceptions of who does CS were narrow and stereotypical (White, male, smart). Results also indicate discrepancies in access to technology and CS; Hispanic students reported lower exposure to computers at home and in school, and Black students and lower-income students reported less access to CS in school. Hispanic students were less likely to have learned CS or have confidence to learn CS compared to their counterparts. Finally, we explored barriers to access and identified a disconnect: parent (particularly from lower incomes) and student demand for CS education was very high while administrators' perceptions of this demand was low. © 2016 IEEE.

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