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Nephron. 1986;42(3):249-51. doi: 10.1159/000183675.

Anterior uveitis, a presenting symptom in acute interstitial nephritis.


U Gafter, M Ben-Basat, D Zevin, L Komlos, H Savir, J Levi

PMID: 3484809 DOI: 10.1159/000183675


Two adult women with idiopathic acute interstitial nephritis (AIN) whose presenting symptom was anterior uveitis are described. On histologic examination of the renal biopsy, eosinophilic infiltrates and mononuclear cells were found. Immunofluorescence was negative. Immunological evaluation showed a slight decrease in the number of T cells with a normal subpopulation ratio. AIN responded to steroid treatment.


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