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Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). 1988 Feb 13;296(6620):447-8. doi: 10.1136/bmj.296.6620.447.

Should the pill be stopped preoperatively?.

British medical journal (Clinical research ed.)

H Sue-Ling, L E Hughes

PMID: 3126855 PMCID: PMC2545036 DOI: 10.1136/bmj.296.6620.447
Free PMC Article

[No abstract available.]

Keywords: Biology; Cardiovascular Effects; Cerebrovascular Effects; Contraception--complications; Contraceptive Agents, Female--complications; Contraceptive Agents--complications; Contraceptive Methods--complications; Developed Countries; Diseases; Embolism; England; Epidemiologic Methods; Europe; Family Planning; Gynecologic Surgery--side effects; Literature Review; Northern Europe; Oral Contraceptives--complications; Physiology; Probability; Research Methodology; Statistical Studies; Studies; Surgery--side effects; Thromboembolism; Thrombosis; Treatment; United Kingdom; Urogenital Surgery; Vascular Diseases


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