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J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Nurs. 2020 Aug;33(3):141-147. doi: 10.1111/jcap.12281. Epub 2020 Jun 07.

Opioid training development: Cultivating nurse competence through education.

Journal of child and adolescent psychiatric nursing : official publication of the Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nurses, Inc

Valerie Seney, Jacqueline Insana, Allison Alberto, Jessica Hay


  1. College of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA.
  2. Nursing Department, Bradley Hospital, East Providence, Rhode Island, USA.
  3. School Nurses Department, Dighton Elementary School, Dighton, Massachusetts, USA.

PMID: 32506588 DOI: 10.1111/jcap.12281


TOPIC: Mental illness and substance use have become areas of concern throughout society. One of the greatest concerns affecting the United States is the increased prevalence of opioid use and accidental overdose. The opioid epidemic not only impacts adults, it also affects the nation's most vulnerable youth. Children and adolescents are at high risk for substance abuse due to multiple risk factors including negative life events, family dysfunction, and parental substance abuse.

PURPOSE: Pediatric nurses must be prepared to care for children and families who experience opioid addiction and overdose. The aim of the quality improvement project was to improve the skill set of nurses working with children and adolescents with substance use disorders (SUDs) in a pediatric psychiatric hospital.

SOURCES USED: Nurses attended a 2-hr workshop focused on nursing interventions related to SUD utilizing Orlando's Nursing Theory and Brief Intervention Therapy. Following the workshop, nurses reported their perceived competence in caring for individuals at risk for or identified with SUD increased.

CONCLUSION: The workshop appeared to be effective in increasing nurses' competence and confidence if working with youth and their families dealing with substance use issues.

© 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC.

Keywords: Brief Intervention Therapy; Orlando Theory; child and adolescent psychiatric nursing; nursing; opioid addiction


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