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Taylor & Francis

Acta Otolaryngol. 1977 Sep-Oct;84(3):202-12. doi: 10.3109/00016487709123958.

Quantitative analysis of kanamycin ototoxicosis.

Acta oto-laryngologica

Y Toyoda, H Saito, H Matsuoka, H Takenaka, W Oshima, O Mizukoshi

PMID: 303038 DOI: 10.3109/00016487709123958


The morphological changes after kanamycin intoxication of the inner ear, including both the cochlea and the vestibule, were quantitatively analysed by the surface preparation technique after succinic dehydrogenase staining. 75 guinea pigs were used. The outer hair cells in the basal coil and the inner hair cells in the upper coils of the cochlea were the most severely damaged, but many unusual modes of damage were also revealed. For example, the initial hair cell damage in the cochlea appeared in the upper hair cells. The clearly observed vestibular damage contradicts the general belief that kanamycin is not so toxic to the vestibular hair cells. The utricular macula and the lateral crista were most severely damaged. The delayed ototoxicity of kanamycin was observed for the first time in the vestibular hair cells.

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