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Med Arh. 1989;43(2):141-6.

[Exudative chronic otitis media. Clinical analysis of therapeutic results over the past 10 years].

Medicinski arhiv

[Article in Croatian]
M Lucić, M Mandilovi

PMID: 2628667


The authors present their results obtained during the therapy with 434 patients suffering from chronic otitis media with effusion in a period from March 1976 to March 1986. The best therapy results were attained in curing the pathological changes in upper respiratory apparatus in addition to myringotomy with aspiration of middle ear secretion. They assume that the application of ventilation tubes is justified in the advanced phase of disease (presence of mucous secretion, pathological pneumatisation of mastoid, deep pectractive cavities of tympanic membrane, conductive hardness-of-hearing bigger than 40 dB), as well as in disease recidives. The consequences of conservative attitude towards the therapy may lead to the organizing of secretion and creating the adhesions in middle ear.

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