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Neurol Psychiatr (Bucur). 1989 Jan-Mar;27(1):23-34.

Simultaneous ERG and VEP investigation in ophthalmic diseases: I. The retinopathies.

Neurologie et psychiatrie

D M Psatta, M Matei, P I Grecu

PMID: 2740799


Simultaneous ERG and VEP investigations were performed in 42 patients presenting reduced visual acuity and characteristic signs of retinopathy on direct ophthalmoscopic inspection: 1) primary retinal pigmentary degeneration - 15 cases; 2) secondary retinopathy - 11 cases; 3) infantile retinal degeneration - 16 cases. Reciprocal relations of ERG--VEP component latency/amplitude in the three types of retinal disorder are described.

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