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J Immunol. 1989 Oct 01;143(7):2083-93.

Polymorphic residues on the I-A beta chain modulate the stimulation of T cell clones specific for the N-terminal peptide of the autoantigen myelin basic protein.

Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)

C B Davis, D J Mitchell, D C Wraith, J A Todd, S S Zamvil, H O McDevitt, L Steinman, P P Jones


  1. Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University, CA 94305-5020.

PMID: 2476496


The effect of polymorphic residues on the A alpha A beta molecule on T cell recognition of the N-terminal nonapeptide of myelin basic protein (R1-9) was determined. Ak-restricted T cell clones recognizing R1-9 were isolated. The peptide-Ia specificities of these clones were determined by testing the response to 1) a panel of peptide analogs of R1-11, 2) splenic APC from mice expressing MHC molecules from serologically distinct haplotypes, and 3) L cell transfectants expressing mutant/recombinant A beta cDNA containing combinations of polymorphic nucleotide sequences from the k and u alleles. Comparisons were made between the Ak-restricted clones and a previously characterized panel of Au-restricted clones. Certain Ak-restricted clones were able to recognize MBP peptide analogs that were not recognized by any of the Au-restricted clones. The Au-restricted T cell clones did not cross-react with R1-9 presented in the context of Ak, whereas the majority of the Ak-restricted clones responded to R1-9 presented in the context of Au. This nonreciprocal cross-reactivity was also reflected in the relative responses of the two sets of T cell clones to the interchange of u- and k-derived residues in the A beta chain. Residues in regions corresponding both the alpha-helical or beta-sheet portions of the hypothetical Ia three-dimensional structure were involved. The results suggest that overall specificity of the T cell clones is the summation of numerous distinct subspecificities for different regions of the peptide-Ia ligand. These results indicate that there can be striking differences in T cell specificity for an autoantigenic epitope, even in the context of A alpha A beta molecules from very closely related haplotypes.

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