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Rev Rhum Mal Osteoartic. 1979 Apr;46(4):235-41.

[Contribution of dynamic isotopic tests in the study of algodystrophies].

Revue du rhumatisme et des maladies osteo-articulaires

[Article in French]
J C Renier, R Moreau, M Bernat, M Basle, P Jallet, J F Minier

PMID: 225781


The authors studied 20 patients suffering from algodystrophy (23 localizations) by triple scintigraphy with technetium, using pyrophosphate to study the importance of bone changes, marked red blood cells to measure the vascular volume, and pertechnetate to measure the interstitial compartment. These tests were done on the average 1.4 months after the outset of the disease. This work made it possible to demonstrate in the algodystrophy: a pronounced bone hyperfixation that was uneven according to the patients; a frank increase in the vascular volume, notably on the capillary level, and a reduction of the circulatory output (calculated on 4 distal localizations), and an increase of the interstitial compartment higher than that of the vascular volume and corresponding to the edema. These results demonstrate a circulatory stasis. In 4 patients treatment with calcitonine reduced the vascular volume but not the bone hyperfixation. In 1 patient, treatment with pindolol reduced the bone hyperfixation and the vascular volume. The authors underline the advantage of such methods in creating a better knowledge of the physiopathology of algodystrophies and effective means of treating them.


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