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Vutr Boles. 1990;29(4):84-7.

[Androstenedione, DHEA sulfate, cortisol, aldosterone and testosterone in bronchial asthma patients].

Vutreshni bolesti

[Article in Bulgarian]
Zh Mileva, A Maleeva, G Khristov

PMID: 2149228


The basic level and the 24 h rhythm of secretion of cortisol, aldosterone, androstanedion, DHEA-sulfate and testosterone were determined in 26 men with bronchial asthma, 19 up to 50 years of age, in a free from attacks period. 20 of the patients had never been treated with corticosteroids and 6 patients had used corticosteroid drugs. In 26.32% of the patients who had not been treated with corticosteroids the basic cortisole level was either decreased or on the lower normal limit. At the same time in 55% of these patients a different degree increase of the basic DHEA-sulfate level was found and in 30% of the patients the androstanedione basic level was increased. The changes in the 24 h rhythm of androstanedione and DHEA-sulfate secretion were similar to those of cortisol. Normal rhythm of secretion of cortisol, aldosterone and testosterone was established mainly in patients with preserved basic hormonal secretion. In contrast to these, normal rhythm of androstanedione and DHEA-sulfate secretion was found more frequently in patients with increased basic secretion of these hormones.

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