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Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P Pavlova. 1990 Nov-Dec;40(6):1053-62.

[Consciousness and reflex].

Zhurnal vysshei nervnoi deiatelnosti imeni I P Pavlova

[Article in Russian]
A M Ivanitskiĭ

PMID: 1965246


In the paper an analogy is drawn between functions of consciousness and scheme of reflex. Consciousness includes afferent part perception of external world, central one--thinking, and efferent one--decision about action and motor command presentation. The basis of higher psychic functions is the junction of reflexes in complicated complexes, singling out in their composition key structures realizing synthesis of qualitatively different information. The centers of integration at realization of afferent functions of consciousness are situated in posterior, and at efferent ones--in anterior brain areas. In the process of thinking predominantly afferent and efferent stages may also be singled out with corresponding localization of foci of interaction. Communicative function of consciousness is provided mainly by centers of the left hemisphere. Breakage between afferent and efferent functions of consciousness may be the basis of some forms of psychic pathology as depression.

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