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Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol. 1990 Oct;(10):84-9.

[A comparative study of the immunogenicity of 2 group-B meningococcal vaccines in monkeys].

Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii

[Article in Russian]
L I Krasnoproshina, T V Kil'diushevskaia, T A Serova, G S Vlasov, E K Dzhikidze, E Ia Balaeva, N A Voskanian, A P Alliluev, V I Kuvakina, I A Basnak'ian

PMID: 1963725


The comparative study of two group B meningococcal vaccines manufactured in the USSR and in Cuba was made. The vaccine manufactured in the USSR contained the noncovalent compound of group B Neisseria meningitidis polysaccharide and outer membrane protein, and the Cuban vaccine contained group B N. meningitidis outer membrane proteins and group C N. meningitidis polysaccharide. The data obtained in this study indicated that both vaccines possessed immunological potency evaluated according to their capacity to stimulate the formation of bactericidal antibodies, whose level was found to increase eightfold after the immunization of monkeys in two injections. Besides, group B meningococcal vaccines did not induce the suppression of nonspecific protective activity characteristics of the body and did not stimulate the formation of autoantibodies to brain and liver tissues, which was indicative of the safety of these vaccines.


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