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Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 1991;91(1):123-6.

[Use of cranio-cerebral hypothermia among the complex resuscitation measures in mental disorders].

Zhurnal nevropatologii i psikhiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova (Moscow, Russia : 1952)

[Article in Russian]
A D Taranskaia, A N Bacherikov, E B Pervomaĭskiĭ, I I Lomakin

PMID: 1647094


Craniocerebral hypothermia was employed in multimodality treatment of 10 patients with hypertoxic schizophrenia and 60 patients with intoxication psychoses, the clinical picture of which was characterized by increasing hypoxia and edema-swelling of the brain. Hypothermia was made to a cerebral temperature of 28-30 degrees C for 4-6 hours in the presence of the neurovegetative blockade. The data obtained attest to a high therapeutic efficacy of craniocerebral hypothermia.

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