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Decubitus. 1992 Mar;5(2):42-6, 48.

Tissue interface pressure and estimated subcutaneous pressures of 11 different pressure-reducing support surfaces.


J Y Thompson-Bishop, C M Mottola

PMID: 1558691


This pilot study examined the pressure-reducing properties of 11 different pressure-reducing devices as compared to a standard hospital mattress. Mean trochanteric and heel pressure readings were obtained on each surface from 13 healthy adult volunteers by using an electropneumatic pressure transducer (Gaymar, catalog # PSM1). Mean trochanteric pressures ranged from 37.2 mm Hg to 55.1 mm Hg on the pressure-reducing support surfaces as compared to 83.6 mm Hg on a standard hospital mattress. Mean heel pressure readings ranged from 28.1 mm Hg to 62.1 mm Hg on the pressure-reducing support surfaces as compared to 93.9 mm Hg on the standard hospital mattress. While pressure-reducing support surfaces were found to yield significantly lower mean pressure readings than the standard hospital mattress, none of them is capable of preventing tissue ischemia if the subcutaneous pressure is three to five times higher than the interface pressure.

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