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Tex Med. 1992 Oct;88(10):70-4.

Risk factors for infection with human immunodeficiency virus among low-income women undergoing voluntary sterilization.

Texas medicine

A N Poindexter, M L Frank, G Villarreal, M L Johnson


  1. Baylor Population Program, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX 77030.

PMID: 1462262


Data regarding risk for infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) were collected from 486 women who presented in 1989 for tubal sterilization through a clinic operated by a medical school. This clinic was participating in a blind surveillance project administered by the local health department. The project was designed to estimate the prevalence of seropositivity for HIV among women seeking family planning services within the department's catchment area. The expectation was that the population of women choosing voluntary sterilization would be of relatively low risk for HIV infection. Surprisingly, however, when they were examined, nearly 25% of these women reported at least one identified risk factor for HIV infection. The rates for certain specific risk factors are no lower among these women than among the general population.

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