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Rev Sanid Hig Publica (Madr). 1992 Jan-Feb;66(1):93-102.

[Current changes in the predominant mechanisms of the transmission of brucellosis in the province of Valencia].

Revista de sanidad e higiene publica

[Article in Spanish]
S Talamante Serrulla, J I González Arráez, A Sabater Pons, P Cortina Greus


  1. Area de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública, Facultad de Medicina y Odontología, Universidad de Valencia.

PMID: 1366212


A descriptive epidemiological study of brucellosis in the province of Valencia was carried out over the period 1985-1988. In this report predominant transmission mechanisms and their relation with sex, age and profession variables are described. Moreover, the results obtained were compared with those from other brucellosis epidemiologies which were previously carried out in the province of Valencia. It can be seen that there is a relative increase in the direct contagion mechanism and a decrease in the indirect contagion mechanism with respect to the previous periods, which has effects on the variations of sex and profession distribution of the disease. The changes observed could be attributed to a better sanitary control of milk and diary products, mainly fresh cheese, which are very important in the transmission of the disease in the province of Valencia.

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