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J Adolesc Health. 1992 Sep;13(6):506-11. doi: 10.1016/1054-139x(92)90015-4.

Partner-specific condom use among adolescent women clients of a family planning clinic.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

S B Plichta, C S Weisman, C A Nathanson, M E Ensminger, J C Robinson


  1. School of Hygiene and Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland 21205.

PMID: 1390818 DOI: 10.1016/1054-139x(92)90015-4


Because inconsistent condom use could put adolescent women at an increased risk for sexually transmitted diseases, it is important to understand when and with whom they use condoms. This study examined partner-specific condom use over time among adolescent women. The data were from a clinic-based, prospective study of 308 adolescent women who had at least one sex partner during a 6-month follow-up. Their condom use was examined with three types of partners: exclusive, nonexclusive primary, and nonexclusive secondary. Predictors of consistent condom use (using condoms 100% of the time with a specific partner) were explored in a multiple logistic regression analysis. Consistent condom use was more likely to occur in shorter relationships (less than 3 months) and with partners who preferred condoms for contraception. It was no more likely to occur with nonexclusive partners than with exclusive partners, and it was somewhat less likely to occur among consistent oral contraceptive users. These findings emphasize the importance of educating adolescent women to introduce and maintain condom use with all partners.

Keywords: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; Adolescents; Adolescents, Female; Age Factors; Americas; Barrier Methods; Behavior; Condom; Contraception; Contraceptive Methods; Contraceptive Usage; Data Collection; Demographic Factors; Developed Countries; Diseases; Economic Factors; Family Planning; Hiv Infections; Infections; Interviews; Maryland; Multiple Partners; Needs; North America; Northern America; Population; Population Characteristics; Reproductive Tract Infections; Research Methodology; Research Report; Sex Behavior; Sexual Partners; Sexually Transmitted Diseases; United States; Viral Diseases; Youth

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