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Public Health Rep. 1992 Sep-Oct;107(5):491-9.

First year of AIDS services delivery under Title I of the Ryan White CARE Act.

Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974)

G S Bowen, K Marconi, S Kohn, D M Bailey, E P Goosby, S Shorter, S Niemcryk


  1. Bureau of Health Resources Development (BHRD), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Rockville, MD.

PMID: 1410229 PMCID: PMC1403689
Free PMC Article


This is a review of (a) the emergency assistance for ambulatory HIV medical and support services provided in the first year by eligible metropolitan areas (EMAs) funded under Title I of the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act of 1990, (b) the varied responses and processes by which the 16 urban areas receiving Title I funds in 1991 met legislative mandates, (c) the central nature of planning councils under Title I and their formation and functioning, and (d) issues related to current implementation and future expansion of Title I to additional eligible metropolitan areas. Integral to the review is a brief discussion of the history of AIDS and HIV infection, particularly in cities receiving CARE Act funding, an overview of Title I requirements, and a description of the organizational structures cities are using to implement Title I. Information on Title I EMAs is based on analysis of their 1991 applications, bylaws of their HIV service planning councils, intergovernmental agreements between Title I cities and other political entities, and contracts executed by Title I grantees with providers for the delivery of services. Interviews with personnel in several Title I EMAs, including planning council members and grantee staff members, provided additional information. This is the first descriptive accounting of activities related to the 1991 applications for and uses of Title I funds, and the administrative and service issues related to this process.

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