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Rev Esc Enferm USP. 1992 Dec;26(3):275-88. doi: 10.1590/0080-6234199202600300275.

[The elderly person and retirement].

Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S P

[Article in Portuguese]
C R de Castro, R A Rodrigues

PMID: 1344485 DOI: 10.1590/0080-6234199202600300275


The present aimed at characterizing the retired old population (members of the retired people and pensioners Association of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo) who live in this town. The study was carried out from 01/01/89 through 31/12/89. This population was composed of 38 retired and old age pensioners: 30 (78.9%) males and 8 (21.1%) females. It was used the method for data collecting which was the questionnaire with close and open questions; the used technique was the recorded interview. As in our country the retired benefit is inferior to be work's remunerations in the period of activity, the retired person is obliged to look for other ways of income to complement that benefit, and the medical assistance, where it was not expected by the population.

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