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J Otolaryngol. 1976 Oct;5(5):403-9.

Replica cytology in cancer of the larynx: an evaluation of a replica method in the diagnosis of laryngeal malignancy.

The Journal of otolaryngology

J Thomsen, J Olsen, H Sorensen

PMID: 994278


A series of 38 cytological samples from the larynx, obtained with a replica method, is presented. The method is described in detail. Conclusive material was obtained in 34 cases. Fourteen per cent false negative evaluations were found. However, when more strict criteria were used for accepting the cytological specimen as suitable for evaluation, no false negative was encountered. It is therefore concluded that this replica method for obtaining cytological samples from the larynx could become a valuable tool as a screening method during indirect laryngoscopy in search of laryngeal malignancy provided very strict criteria are used for accepting the cytological specimen as suitable for evaluation.

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