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Models for introducing cultural diversity in nursing curricula.

NLN publications

Branch M.
PMID: 586566
NLN Publ. 1977;(15):57-68.

No abstract available.

An integrated model of learning.

Radiologic technology

Trigg AM, Cordova FD.
PMID: 3588888
Radiol Technol. 1987 May-Jun;58(5):431-6.

Worldwide, most educational systems are based on three levels of education that utilize the pedagogical approaches to learning. In the 1960s, scholars formulated another approach to education that has become known as andragogy and has been applied to adult...

A model for clinical evaluation.

Nursing outlook

Pearson BD.
PMID: 1039071
Nurs Outlook. 1975 Apr;23(4):232-5.

No abstract available.

Nursing needs new model reflecting changing relationship.

AORN journal

Edwards BJ.
PMID: 1050182
AORN J. 1976 Dec;24(6):1031-4. doi: 10.1016/s0001-2092(07)62828-2.

No abstract available.

[Formulation of hypothesis and its function].

Kango kenkyu. The Japanese journal of nursing research

Tsuda K.
PMID: 1079284
Kango Kenkyu. 1975;8(1):78-9.

No abstract available.

Curriculum design and approaches to nursing courses and content.

NLN publications

Kelley J.
PMID: 1040794
NLN Publ. 1975;(15):31-7.

No abstract available.

Models for continuing professional education.

Journal of medical education

Belsheim DJ.
PMID: 3783641
J Med Educ. 1986 Dec;61(12):971-8. doi: 10.1097/00001888-198612000-00005.

Three models for continuing professional education (CPE) are described: an education model, which reflects the mainstream of CPE practice and focuses on educational objectives, teaching methods, organization of educational experiences, and assessment; a social change model, which considers the...

Can test statistics in covariance structure analysis be trusted?.

Psychological bulletin

Hu LT, Bentler PM, Kano Y.
PMID: 1454899
Psychol Bull. 1992 Sep;112(2):351-62. doi: 10.1037/0033-2909.112.2.351.

Covariance structure analysis uses chi 2 goodness-of-fit test statistics whose adequacy is not known. Scientific conclusions based on models may be distorted when researchers violate sample size, variate independence, and distributional assumptions. The behavior of 6 test statistics is...

Chaos theory--a useful addition to the critical care curriculum?.

Intensive & critical care nursing

Murray PJ.
PMID: 1483025
Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 1992 Dec;8(4):240-4. doi: 10.1016/0964-3397(92)90056-p.

Chaos theory (non-linear dynamics) is a relatively new mathematical concept. It shows that many apparently random processes and structures have in fact a simple underlying order. The theory is being applied increasingly to explain physiological processes and epidemiological findings,...

[A model of teaching training at the university level].

Educacion medica y salud

Giraldo de Londoño A.
PMID: 3830691
Educ Med Salud. 1985;19(4):483-8.

No abstract available.

Can single-purpose institutions provide baccalaureate education?.

NLN publications

Amos LK.
PMID: 3846896
NLN Publ. 1985 Apr;(15):41-7.

No abstract available.

[Production of electroencephalogram type waves by use of an electrochemical model].

Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l'Academie des sciences. Serie D: Sciences naturelles

Carricaburu P, Benaïm M.
PMID: 4954801
C R Acad Hebd Seances Acad Sci D. 1965 Nov 22;261(21):4529-31.

No abstract available.

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