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[Control of congenital abnormalities in Hyogo (author's transl)].

Rinsho byori. The Japanese journal of clinical pathology

Hashimoto S.
PMID: 558390
Rinsho Byori. 1977 Feb;25(2):120-4.

No abstract available.

[Future of the general practitioner modern medicine].

ZFA. Zeitschrift fur Allgemeinmedizin

Degenhard B.
PMID: 1266317
ZFA (Stuttgart). 1976 Jan 31;52(3):119-25.

No abstract available.

[The locating value of the electrocardiogram in coronary insufficiency. Correlation with coronarography].

Coeur et medecine interne

Leclercq JF, Morice MC, Laffay N, Valère PE, Tricot R.
PMID: 991556
Coeur Med Interne. 1976 Apr-Jun;15(2):171-9.

No abstract available.

Who will pay for PREP?.

Nursing times

[No authors listed]
PMID: 1502074
Nurs Times. 1992 Jul 29-Aug 4;88(31):3.

No abstract available.

The effects of mentally handicapped children on families--a conceptual review.

Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines

Byrne EA, Cunningham CC.
PMID: 2933420
J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 1985 Nov;26(6):847-64. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-7610.1985.tb00602.x.

Recent research which examines the effects of mentally handicapped children upon families is reviewed. The studies are grouped into three categories based on the underlying conceptions which appear to guide them. The first category examines which families are most...

New grads' goals not clear yet.

Nursing management

Behinain F.
PMID: 1501824
Nurs Manage. 1992 Aug;23(8):12.

No abstract available.

Making performance appraisals a positive experience.

Nursing management

McGee KG.
PMID: 1501832
Nurs Manage. 1992 Aug;23(8):36-7.

No abstract available.

Establishing a women's center.

Nursing management

Sharp CL.
PMID: 1501845
Nurs Manage. 1992 Aug;23(8):65-6. doi: 10.1097/00006247-199208000-00027.

No abstract available.

[Training objectives for the training in nursing care at the diploma level].

Revue de l'infirmiere

[No authors listed]
PMID: 1293722
Rev Infirm. 1992 Dec;42(19):40-5.

No abstract available.

[Numerical squares as a method of diagnosing functional changes in the CNS].

Ceskoslovenska neurologie a neurochirurgie

Raiskup JC.
PMID: 699114
Cesk Neurol Neurochir. 1978 Sep;41(5):313-24.

No abstract available.

Managing the boundaries.

Nursing times

Speck P.
PMID: 1502094
Nurs Times. 1992 Aug 5-11;88(32):22.

No abstract available.

Status inequality and stress in marriage.

American sociological review

Pearlin LI.
PMID: 1200493
Am Sociol Rev. 1975 Jun;40(3):344-57.

Emotional stresses that are experienced in marriage are traced to differences in spouses' status origins. Linking status differences to such stress are a number of intervening conditions. People to whom status advancement is important and who have married mates...

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